Plantar fascia is a foot related problem where you have pain in the bottom of your foot from the front to the back. It's normally worse first thing in the morning or after sitting or driving for a period of time. Most patients relate it's the worst when they get out of bed in the morning and it takes them a number of steps to loosen it up so they have less pain.
It's important when this first starts to make sure you search out ways to stretch your fascia this is important because it's like warming it up like you would before you workout to increase the blood supply which helps the soreness to go away. Also initially it is important to wear shoes with some degree of support as much as possible. Using over-the-counter arch supports can also be helpful in initial treatment. Shoes with a slight heel tend to be more helpful because they change the angle of the foot and reduce the stress on the plantar fascia. Sometimes using over-the-counter wrapping of the arch can be...